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Article published in NeoMag

An article was published in the Neomag (journal dedicated to AEC profesionals) in November 2017, p16-17.


Une des questions essentielles autour de l’adoption du BIM est la question de la formation. En effet, nous constatons aujourd’hui que les professionnels de la construction ne sont pas suffisament formés aux méthodes et outils du BIM.

 Access the magazine from this link: http://www.neobuild.lu/newsletter/images/10_NEOMAG_NOV17_WEB%20(1).pdf

BIM4VET mentioned in a European Construction Sector Observatory report

A report published in 2017 by the European Commission, European Construction Sector Observatory, on the topic of “Improving the human Capital Basis” (http://www.buildup.eu/en/practices/publications/ecso-report-improving-human-capital-basis, last accessed April 14th, 2018), mentioned BIM4VET. 

Indeed, it should be mentioned that “given the relatively recent start of many digital skill-related initiatives at national level, Member States are currently joining efforts to better understand and define the needs for digital skills in the construction sector and subsequently develop suitable curricula”.

BIM4VET is described in p.52 as well as p.53 were the report highlights teaming up amongst Member States, which obviously shows the dynamism of Luxembourg in addressing skills and competencies related to digital technologies and BIM.

Development of a BIM Competency Framework in Scotland

An initiative has been launched in Scotland, in 2017, aiming at defining a BIM Competency Framework. A specific workshop has been held on October 23rd, 2017.

BIM4VET framework is mentioned in the workshop summary report, available from https://www.scottishfuturestrust.org.uk/storage/uploads/workshopreport.pdf (last access April 14th, 2018)

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